Wednesday, January 30, 2013


January 30, 2013

sorry i'm a couple days late. move call was crazy but so so good. i have moved! moving is crazy. the last week in nantun was a little rough. my companion Chu JM was sick and we spent alot of time in side. her resting and me calling phones. it's really easy to go crazy when it's just you and the area book and the phone. haha but it was good. i learned how to dial numbers with my left hand while i practiced writing characters with my right hand. yup. AND we got a lot of good adds for new investigators. i feel really good about my time in nantun. i love that area and those wards. my last day was hard- saying goodbye to all my taiwanese mothers in the nantun and zhongming wards. i love being a missionary. you just have a special bond with the members and with the people. i feel so blessed to have been 'born' in nantun. it is the yingxu di. i feel like from my experience their i learned a lot about working with the ward. i am really excited about my new area- TANZI (refereed to as tan-zion by the missionaries) this ward is apparently wonderful and working with them so far has been so fun! they are so willing to help us shang ke and feed us. my new companion is sister giraud-carrier! she is french and is the most incredible person and missionary. she is literally amazing. i went on sister exchanges to this area with her about 2 weeks ago- i guess it went so well that president decided to put us together. i was really so happy when i found out that i was going to be able to have a chance to serve with her. she is so diligent and has an amazing ability to just use the power of the gospel to accomplish goals and change. i have been really inspired by her. and we still have 5 weeks together.
moving was crazy like i said. i don't know how my luggage got so heavy! i really haven't bought THAT much since i came to taiwan. but i had a really hard time fitting everything in my bags (shout out to lisa and austin- thank you so much for that luggage. i am so grateful for you both. LISA i got your letter. i love you). so my bags weighed a ton. my new apartment is a 4 sister apt so it's basically a sleepover every night. just kidding. but we do have fun. the other companionship is a sister training a girl who just came on the island this week. holy cow. it's crazy to think of how far i have come. i'm already on my 4th move call. i can't believe it. time is going by so quickly and i'm just trying to use every moment. i have been really thinking about my new years goals (duh a little late there sister newman) and also about my move call goals. i really want to run a 5k. i know. random. and i also want to finish 1nephi at least in chinese characters. i'm still thinking about that one- it's taken me forever to get through the testimony of the witnesses haha)
visiting the temple today was amazing. i was really pondering and praying about our investigators in this area. we have a goal for baptisms in the month of febuary and i am so excited to see how we can help these people come unto Christ. i love teaching so much and testifying of the gosple. it is the most amazing feeling. i also had an epiphany in the temple (it's a good place for those). i have been feeling kinda down on myself and just feeling like i should be doing more, or like i wasn't seeing as much progress in myself as i wanted. and in the temple, the Lord just really calmed my heart. He helped me feel peace and realize that i have so much time left. He gives us so many chances- every day is a new chance to improve and progress. we should never be discouraged if we are trying hard and improving in some way. the power of the Atonement is amazing. i still have 8 move calls!! and then eternity! i love the idea of eternal progression. i need it. the only thing that can stop us from progressing is ourselves. sister GC has really helped me see how to invite the power of the atonement into my goal setting and into our misisonary work. i know that we are going to see miracles. i am so grateful for her
the pictures that dad sent from "taiwan-ningbo trip 2013" look like so much fun! every one is so beautiful. sister GC and i were just wondering if it's because we're not there anymore that our families are so cool. sorry i have held you back for so long.
i love you all so much. continue to look and pray for ways to serve. they will come and you will be amzed. keep the faith
i love you
sister Newman

Monday, January 21, 2013

January 21st, 2012

Hey all! 
Last week of the move call and i can't even believe it. this week has been so great.
I am so grateful for everyone who is writing me. thank you for keeping me updated on Emma's situation. we are praying for the family. i am so grateful for our Savior and the hope He brings into our lives. i was reading in General Conference and so many of the talks helped me retain an eternal perspective. so much sorrow comes when we forget where we came from and what is promised us if we remain faithful. on those days that are hardest, that's when it's most important to cling to the gospel. i feel like when i don't feel like praying, that's when i HAVE to pray until i feel the peace and love that only come from God.
we had Zone conference last week and really talked about establishing our own testimonies. i have found that as i have really sought inspiration (asked for it and strived to be worthy of it) i have felt so refreshed by my scripture study and prayer. i have felt so close to our Savior and to our Heavenly Father. i know that they are watching over us and seek to help us. we just need to listen.
i have learned a lot this week about charity and faith. i am loving the area i am serving in and i think i might be moving next move call. i'm not sure but we'll find out this saturday. i have loved serving with Ju JM. she has so much love and patience with me, as i struggle with the language and the culture. she is very supportive of me and encourages me to progress. AND WE HAVE SO MUCH FUN. like when i fall asleep during language study and start talking about turtles. or when we go knock on a less actives door and find out she's mostly deaf--and the next time, i feel like i'm the IRS, trying to bang down her door so she can hear us. we are always laughing. i am feeling so full of a desire to be better recently. i had an opportunity to go on exchanges with a sister who is a wonderful example of goal setting. i really want to do all i can to let the Lord change me. as to myself, i am weak. but with Christ i can do all things. i am really learning that this work and this mission isn't about me. it's really all about Christ and His amazing love for us. as we were singing "i stand all amazed" in sacrament meeting yesterday, i was reminded of how much we have need for a Savior. He helps us change. i am making the same mistakes and hitting the same roadblocks, but because i know Christ lives, i have hope. Christ has provided the way. He asks that we try. we have the opportunity everyday to be better and try harder. elder Holland says "don't let worrying over the sadness or sins of yesterday hinder you from receiving the blessings God is trying to give you today.' Heavenly Father loves us so much and as we strive to follow Christ example, we can change.
we had a lesson with the Su family. he is taiwanese, she is mexican. we taught the lesson in english and had the senior couple from the office help us. as we talked about the family and about the book of Mormon, i was so grateful for the blessings of the gospel for my family. that is one of the biggest reasons i came on my mission. i love my family. i love you all so much and i'm grateful for this opportunity to be blessing other families with Christ's love.
miracles come into our lives as we rely on the spirit and pray for opportunities to serve. i know that God answers prayers and that He loves us. He can use us to bless the lives of those around us.
carli,lukedavisblakekellykenziemomdad i love you all so much. i am so excited for all you are doing. thank you for being wonderful examples to me. i think of you daily
all my love,
Sister Newman

Monday, January 14, 2013

January 14th, 2013

hello everyone! wow- computer time goes by way too fast.
we had a wonderful week that was full of miracles. we make plans every night at 9 but i feel like for the most part, we just make plans so that God can change them :) we have been so blessed this to be put in places where the Lord needs us. we've been praying that we will be able to serve one person and help God do HIs work for one person and i feel like it has put a whole new perspective on my mission. every person i contact is an opportunity to serve by helping them see how the gospel can bless their lives. and visiting less actives isnt about getting a number for our goal- it's about helping someone know that they are loved by the Lord and that the Lord is very aware of them. i love this work and all the opportunities to serve. God answers my prayer every day. on thursday, we had our plans cancel on us and we both had the thought to go visit a less active Zou JM that we have been meeting with. it was perfect. we were able to go in and sit with her and share about sacrament meeting. we met her little daughter and the spirit was so strong. i love teaching people about this gospel.
we were teaching a lesson on tuesday to a Chen JM at her work- a grocery store. her coworker has been kindof listening the past couple of time we have gone to visit her. this time, when Chen JM had to leave for a minute, her coworker came over and i started teaching her about prayer and God while Ju JM kept teaching Chen JM. the coworker, Ye JM is so prepared. she says she has never had a desire to know more about God till now. and when she saw us, she was reminded of the missionaries she met in high school. she came to church on sunday and now has a book of Mormon. i am praying that she will be able to read and feel God's love. i love that about this work- we have the opportunity to teach other how God and Christ have blessed our lives and then invite them to feel for themselves. it reminds my of reading rainbow- "you don't have to take my word for it" come and see- as Jesus Christ Himself invited us to do.
the cutest couple came to english class this week. He is taiwanese and she is mexican and they both speaking perfect english and spanish. as i was teaching about God and the BOok of Mormon, i just really felt like i should invite them to know more. we met with them last night and it was wonderful. it was so strange teaching in english!1 we were both praying for the gift of tongues. haha our mission office couple came and helped us at the lesson. i flet the spirit so strong. this family is so prepared. they love the bible and God and we just told them that the Book of Mormon with help them with their family and with life. as Elder Darrington said "everything just seems to go better when we read the Book of MOrmon." it's hard to explain but when you  know, you just know. the Book of MOrmon is such a powerful book and i have felt it change my life. everyone on the mission is starting from the beginning and reading it again. i am gaining so much insight into what i need to do and improve now. it's amazing the spirit that book brings into my life
it was so great to see all the pictures of tianjin and family and wang ayi! the blessings of missionary work are eternal. i have a sister- from China- in my ward and she is moving back to China soon. she has family that she wants to teach about the gospel and i told her to get in contact with you. what's your number and how can i help her get in touch with you? she is so wonderful and full of faith. i love her. she'll be moving out in febuary.
there is another sister in my single's ward who is moving to provo to attended the english learning center there. she is having a hard time finding housing because she is over 30. this is really important- if there is anyone who knows of a place that she could stay please let me know. she is darling and i'm so excited for her to be in provo. the people here continue to amaze me with their love and humility. i love finding prepared people. God's children are so precious. i am praying for nathan and sharlynn- i love their family. what is their address and i can get a letter sent to them. thank you to everyone for your support and emails. i LOVE hearing from you. it means more than you know.
i'm having trouble sending pictures but i will figure it out and send some next week. i love you all. thank you so much for the letters and package!! it was so great to hear from everybody and get a very specially delivered package. keep praying and keep serving. i love you all.
Sister Newman

Tuesday, January 8, 2013

January 7th, 2012

Happy New Year!! i almost wrote Happy Newman......haha. muscle memory. it is a happy new year and i am a happy newman :) New years eve was probably the coldest night ever and we spent it comfortably asleep in our 9th floor apartment. i love the new year. its a time to make goals! and plans!! which i feel like is what missionary work is all about :) it's weird making goals this year- just thinking that i have over 365 days still on my mission. i love this work and i'm so excited for this next year. it's amazing how much i feel like i learn and experience every day....and then relearn the next day. Heavenly Father is so patient with me as i strive to improve. i'll get it one day :) that is the wonderful hope of this gospel- that all our work and effort is not in vain. we CAN progress and change and improve and i'm so grateful for that. the Atonement and the power of Christ over the natural man is infinite.
yesterday, i was fasting and seeking guidance. i had the talk "anxiously engaged" from general conference come to my mind and stick there. i just had a feeling that i should read it. i am so grateful for modern revelation and the ability our leaders have to know God's will for us. as i read that talk this morning, i felt such a peace and i learned so much. I think that the greatest thing i can learn on my mission is to recognize and follow the promptings of the Holy Ghost. He will guide me to know what i need to do daily to bless those around me. by seeking the spirit to know who and how to serve every day, we can make a difference. light comes into our lives because we are not seeking the things of this world. we won't be focused on ourselves. when we become tools in the Lord's hands to bless others, that is when we are truly happy. no greater happiness comes than through service. i have realized how focused i've been on myself and what i want out of this mission. elder ballards talk has helped me start to change my perspective. i love these people so much. i love serving them and that is what this mission is about
we're really focusing on rescuing and improving our teaching. so many of the less actives that we are working with i feel are just as new to the gospel as an investigator. we call them 'lambs' and we were singing dear to heart of the shepherd this week :) i love the feeling that comes from teaching others about the Atonement. i am so grateful for this chance to serve and do some little thing to establish Zion in this little area. This work is eternal and the message that we have as members of this church is ever lasting. i want to invite everyone to read anxiously engaged from last general conference ( and really seek to serve others. i know that it will change the world and change your life. 
Happy new year to everyone! i love you all. 
sister newman  

December 31st, 2012

The year is almost over and i can't even believe it. i'm going to be spending all of 2013 in taiwan. i am so happy and so excited. it's interesting making new years resolutions and thinking about what i want to do this year. specifically how i want to change so that i can better help others. i had a realization yesterday in church about how much i love the people here and how everything we do is because of love. that is my great motivator to learn the language and to know the doctrine. i am praying for more charity and patience every day. thats something i really want to focus on and change
christmas was wonderful and so much fun. we went and did service at a member's business that morning. i love building relationships with the members and the ward. i love these people so much. we opened presents and had hot chocolate and muffins for breakfast. talking to the family was the highlight of my life!! it was so great to see everyone and feel so much love for and from you all. you don't know what a boost that was for me. i love you all so much. you 8 people are so important to me. i am so grateful for the love and support that i felt so much of this season!! thank you for the presents and the letters. i am so grateful for you as my family
we did a lot of visiting this week and met with so many members and ate so much food. i love this area where i am serving. we are working with the church leaders to better serve the people here and know the needs of the wards. one of our bishops has invited us to visit and help the YW in the ward. there is such power in the youth here and all over the world. i LOVE the new youth teaching program. they have been doing alot of training and instructing for the teachers here. i love being on the earth at such an exciting time- we are the chosen generation and we will help the next generation be even stronger than we are. i love this churhc and the light and hope it brigns into this world
i loved hearing about all the fun stuff you did in tianjin and beijing!! so good to think about how the church has been established and has grown there. i got an email from wangayi and i want to write her today. what a miracle story!! i love you all and i'm so grateful for your example. 
sister V is leaving on wednesday and that's really crazy to think about. she has taught me so much and i have learned so much from her example and love. i am LOVING serving with Zhu jm. she is so diligent and it's wonderful having a native companion. my favorite part of this past week was yesterday at church. i sat down with a zeng JM and talked with her about the temple and how we can strengthen ourselves. i just felt so much love for her. she's only been baptized about a year and is having so many missionary experiences. i love the members here. they are so full of enthusiasm and faith and light. i love it!! they love their missionaries and we are going to get fat in nantun. i'm dreading guonian- thinking about being qinged all the time is givng me a headache :) the food is wonderful and visiting the members is my favorite!1 building friendships is what this work is all about. 
i love you all. i don't have as much time to write anymore. i love you all. keep serving and praying for one another. there is an amazing POWER in prayer. i love you all
yours forever,
sister paige