Saturday, December 7, 2013

December 2nd, 2013

HAPPY THANKSGIVING AND MERRY DECEMBER! it got really COLD this week- it was like a switch flipped on thursday and we're staying bundled up :) had to unpack all the scarves and coats. it's been so great to have it start to feel like the holiday season. the christmas decorations are set up at the chapel and sister packard and i were so happy!! this week has been one of so many miracles and i'm always so amazed at the tender mercies of the Lord in my life.
we had the chance on saturday to attend a wedding. sister packard was the first missionary to contact and teach this couple in nantou. they decided to get married! so the wedding was at 10:30 and their baptism was at 1:30! it was so perfect. we traveled up to my first area!! that was where the wedding was being held. it was so amazing to go back and see everyone from the beginning of my mission. i love that area and those members so much. the members in taiwan are so special! i am so grateful for worthy priesthood holders all over this little country that are guiding their families and the church. the brother that got baptized- brother Hong- is going to be an amazing leader in the church. it was exciting to be a part of the wedding and baptism. the bride's sister has been a member for a long time and she was so happy. families are most important. i am so grateful that our family has the gospel and has not had to search for it. i am so grateful to be sealed to all of you.
THANKSGIVING was so great! we visited a less active sister in the morning with another sister in the ward. we talked about Christ's love for all of us and the spirit was so strong. the active sister- sister Lee- was able to teach most of the lesson and it was so powerful. i love the way that our wards are reaching out to all of the investigators and less active sisters. Sister Lee then took us out to lunch at a really nice resturaunt and then we went with her to visit a sister in the hospital. for dinner that night, we went to the bishop's house. as we were walking in there was an older taiwanese couple that were from california. we started chtting with them and the bishop invited them to dinner with us! i really love member missionary work. it so simple and brave haha. dinner was really special and the bishop's wife had prepared so much for us. as we went around the table saying what we were grateful for, the spirit was so strong. the nonmember couple had many questions about us missionaries and what brought us out on missions. it was really special. i'm so grateful for the members in our wards. we went to our ward correlator's house that night and taught his wife. that was so special. it was so special to watch him answer her questions and teach with so much love. they were both glowing. she has the desire to get baptized and i'm so excited to continue teaching her
on friday during weekly planning, we had some of our investigators that we were considering not meeting with right now. some of them weren't really progressing. as we prayed about the names, we got the feeling that we should continue meeting with one of the sisters. we called and she was willing to set up a time. when we met with her, we just talked about baptism and the blessings of reading scriptures, praying, and coming to church. she said she wants to come to churhc next week and set a baptism date for the end of the month. i am so grateful for the spirit and i'm so grateful for the opportunity to continue to teach her. sunday was amazing- we had so many investigators and less active sisters attend. as they all came in, the ward was so welcoming and i didnt even feel like i had to worry about them feeling loved. one of the less active sisters invited her friend, who we met at church. it was really special and a wonderful way to end the week.2 less active sisters even bore their testimony. sacrament meeting was really special.
being sister packard's companion is a really special experience. Heavenly Father knew i needed her strength and humility. we are best friends and it makes all the difference. no matter what happens during the day, we still love each other :) it just feels really great to know i have her support. i have really learned the power of prarying for those around you and feeling their prayers for you. she helps be a better person and lifts me when i'm feeling down. we each can impact those around us more than we realize.
i love you all so much! you are all my heroes and i'm grateful for your prayers and letters and encouragement. it is needed and appreciated. i love you all so much.
-sister Newman

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